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Parliament Requests Government´s Views on Marriage Equality

24 November 2015

EheGleich LogoPfeil G4  Already 45.000 support citizens initiative

Last Tuesday, 17 November 2015, federal parliament´s Committee for Petitions and Citizen Initiatives began dealing with citizen initiative "Ehe Gleich!". Unanimously the parliamentarians decided to request the Minister of Justice and the Minister for Family Affairs to submit their views on marriage equality until the Committee´s next meeting at the beginning of next year.

Ehe Gleich! already today is one of the most sucessful citizens initiatives in Austrian history. Up to now 45.000 Austrian citizien are supporting the anti-marriage ban initiative. In Germany this would resemble 500.000 supporters and 2 millions in the USA. The initiative can still be signed online  under (

"Finally marriage equality has made it to parliament´s agenda", Dr. Helmut Graupner, first signatory to citizens initiative Ehe Gleich! and president of Rechtsomitee LAMBDA (RKL) expresses delight, "The question is not anymore, if, but when the marriage ban will fall".


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