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US-Ambassador to Austria Supports Marriage Equality

6 June 2016

US Botschaftrin EheGleichPfeil G4The US-embassy in Austria on 1 June 2016, on its facebook-account, has published the following text alongside a picture of ambassador Alexa Wesner in a t-shirt of Austrian marriage equality citizens initiative Ehe Gleich!: 

"Happy ‪#‎LGBT‬ ‪#‎Pride‬ Month! "Advancing the fair treatment of all people has long been a cornerstone of American diplomacy, and we have made defending and promoting the human rights of #LGBT individuals a priority in our engagement across the globe." - President Obama writes in his proclamation: Botschafterin ‪#‎AlexaWesner‬ unterstützt gleiche Rechte für ‪#‎LGBTI‬ Menschen, auch das Recht auf Ehe. ‪#‎PrideMonth"

We express our deep gratitude to her excellency for this important support for our human rights.


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