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Austria: first European country recognizes marriage equality as a human right

4 December 2017

VfGH RegenbogenflaggePfeil G4We won, by all terms!

The Austrian Constitutional Court, in proceedings litigated by RKL-president Dr. Helmut Graupner, just
a) opened up marriage for same-gender couples and
b) opened up registered partnership for opposite-gender couples 
(both from 1 January 2019)

The Austrian Constitutional Court (the first and oldest constitutional court in the world) is the first court in Europe to turn down a marriage ban for same-gender couples. Accordingly Austria is the first European country to recognize marriage equality for same-gender couples as a fundamental human right. All the other European states with marriage equality introduced it (just) the political way. Today is a truly historic day.

The Austrian Constitutional Court gave the most wonderful Christmas-present one could imagine to loving couples (same-gender and opposite gender): comprehensive and equal freedom of choice for all and to same-gender couples dignity and equality after centuries of discrimination and persecution. Sincere thanks to the 14 judges of the Constutional Court of Austria, who truly secured themselves an outstanding place in the history of Austria, Europe and the world. Thanks from the deepest of our hearts.

The judgment of the Constitutional Court (VfGH 4. December 2017,l G 258/2017) (German)

The judgment of the Constitutional Court (VfGH 4 December 2017,l G 258/2017) (English)

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