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Austria Issued First Third Gender Documents

15 January 2019


HGAJ optPfeil G4Historic

Following its June 2018 Constitutional Court´s landmark judgment recognizing the non-female/non-male gender identity of intersex persons Austria now has issued the first documents displaying a third gender. Sucessful plaintiff Alex Jürgen received a passport with the gendermarker "X"  and a birth certificate with "divers". Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), Austria lgbti-rights organisation, expresses delight over the historic moment and deplores persistent violations by the Minister of Interior.  

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IUS AMANDI issue 1/2019 released

28 March 2019

 Cover 1901 gedreht

 CJEU: Austria Must Compensate Gay Policeman  
 New marriage Bans: City of Vienna Gives In
 Map of Europe: Austria Top in Family Law but Flops in Anti-Discrimination Protection


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 1/2019 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

EU-Court: Compensation for Gay Policeman

15 January 2019


EuGHPfeil G4Dismissed Back in 1976

Back in 1976 a long-serving and highly decorated constable had been discharged on the basis of having been convicted under Austria’s infamous homophobe offence, Art. 209 Criminal Code. The disciplinary sanction continues to perpetuate: the pension of the man is still cut by 25%. The Federal Administrative Court even in 2016 refused compensation saying the contacts, back then legal for heterosexuals (and today for all), would constitute one of the most serious violations of duty" and the dismissal would therefore not constiutute discrimination. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) now ruled that Austria must compensate the man for his longstanding discrimination (E.B. v BVA).  Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), Austria’s LBTI civil rights organisation, expresses delight that the man finally experienced justice after ten years of court proceedings.

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IUS AMANDI issue 4/2018 released

8 December 2018

 Cover IA 18 4

 From 1 January 2019: Marriage (not) for All?  
 Passport with X: Deadline approaches
 Hiv-Discrimination: Tyrol State Government Delays Court Proceedings
 ECtHR: Change of Forename Prior to Completion of Gender Transition Process

JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 4/2018 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

Austria: First Same-Sex Wedding Performed Today

12 October 2018


HochzeitPfeil G4A historic day of joy

This morning the first same-sex couple in Austrian history gets married in Vienna. The couple tieing the knot today is the one which, together with RKL-president Helmut Graupner, last December successfully challenged the marriage ban in the Austrian Constitutional Court. Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL) heartily congratulates and wishes a happy and wonderful wedding year 2019 to all the same-sex couples and their families

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