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IUS AMANDI issue 4/2017 released

14 December 2017

 Cover 17 04 opt

 Austria: first European country recognizes marriage equality as a human right

JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 4/2017 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

Austria: first European country recognizes marriage equality as a human right

4 December 2017

VfGH RegenbogenflaggePfeil G4We won, by all terms!

The Austrian Constitutional Court, in proceedings litigated by RKL-president Dr. Helmut Graupner, just
a) opened up marriage for same-gender couples and
b) opened up registered partnership for opposite-gender couples 
(both from 1 January 2019)

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Constitutional Court Says Marriage Ban Presumably Unconstitutional

17 October 2017

Kinder optimiertPfeil G4First success for the 5 children for marriage
In a decision of 12 October the Austrian Constitutional Court followed the arguments of the 5 children for marriage and preliminarily reversed its case-law (that segregation into marriage and registered partnerships is admissible).

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IUS AMANDI issue 3/2017 released

5 October 2017

 Cover 17 03 opt

 Federal Elections 2017: RKL´s Special Edition on the Parties Positions 
 Marriage Ban: Forced Outing by Registered Partnership


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 3/2017 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

IUS AMANDI issue 2/2017 released

27 July 2017

 Cover 1702 gedreht

 An Act of History: Federal President Awarded Grand Decoration to RKL-president Graupner 
 Gay police man fired: Administrative Supreme Court turns to EU-Court


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 2/2017 | JUS AMANDI Archiv


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