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RKL-President Graupner Received Vienna State Golden Medal of Merits

14 November 2016

Graupner Frauenberger Orden Brunner Verdienstzeichen RKL Pfeil G4Government decorations for the first time in Austrian history awarded to LGBTI-activists

In the year 2016, celebrating 25 years of Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), the Vienna state government, for the first time in Austrian history, has awarded governmental decorations for merits against discrimination and for equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons.

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IUS AMANDI issue 3/2016 released

9 October 2016

 IA 3 16 Cover

 Marriage Equality: Clear Commitment of Federal Chancellor Christian Kern
 Civil Registry Offices & Family Names: Respect for ÖVP´s Big Step

 RKL-President Graupner Received Golden Hedgehog Award


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 2/2016 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

IUS AMANDI issue 2/2016 released

4 August 2016

 IA Cover 2 16

 Homosexueller Polizist entlassen: Richterin sieht keine Diskriminierung
Historisch: Gericht entscheidet über drittes Geschlecht

 Gericht: Häftling darf Geschlechtsanpassung durchführen
 Neu im Kuratorium: Alexander Van der Bellen, Christian Kern, Elisabeth Steiner,
    Irmgard Griss, Sandra Frauenberger,  Thomas Mader


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 2/2016 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

US-Ambassador to Austria Supports Marriage Equality

6 June 2016

US Botschaftrin EheGleichPfeil G4The US-embassy in Austria on 1 June 2016, on its facebook-account, has published the following text alongside a picture of ambassador Alexa Wesner in a t-shirt of Austrian marriage equality citizens initiative Ehe Gleich!: 

"Happy ‪#‎LGBT‬ ‪#‎Pride‬ Month! "Advancing the fair treatment of all people has long been a cornerstone of American diplomacy, and we have made defending and promoting the human rights of #LGBT individuals a priority in our engagement across the globe." - President Obama writes in his proclamation: Botschafterin ‪#‎AlexaWesner‬ unterstützt gleiche Rechte für ‪#‎LGBTI‬ Menschen, auch das Recht auf Ehe. ‪#‎PrideMonth"

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Austrian Court: Prisoners have Right to Sex Change Treatment

23 May 2016

GefängniszellePfeil G4Children take government to court over their parents´ marriage ban

Austrian children with two fathers or two mothers are compulsory illegitimate because their parents are not allowed to marry each other. Five such children, together with their parents, have been taking the federal government to the courts over their parents´marriage ban; to allow their parents to marry and themselves to become legitimate children as their peers with one father and one mother are. Last December the Vienna Administrative Court - based on weird reasoning - dismissed the cases. The families turned to the Constitutional Court whose ruling is expected for later this year. 

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