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Parliament Requests Government´s Views on Marriage Equality

24 November 2015

EheGleich LogoPfeil G4 Already 45.000 support citizens initiative

Last Tuesday, 17 November 2015, federal parliament´s Committee for Petitions and Citizen Initiatives began dealing with citizen initiative "Ehe Gleich!". Unanimously the parliamentarians decided to request the Minister of Justice and the Minister for Family Affairs to submit their views on marriage equality until the Committee´s next meeting at the beginning of next year.

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IUS AMANDI issue 3/2015 released

02 October 2015

 IA Cover 1503

Bürgerinitiative: schon zehntausende für Ehe Gleich!
Trotz EGMR-Urteil: Entwurf des Justizministeres verhöhnt die Opfer

Antidiskriminierung: Hundsdorfer redet nicht mit uns


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 3/2015 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

Evan Wolfson Comes To Vienna (12 Oct 15) (2)

  30 September 2015

Evan Wolfson RKL Graupner RKL Winning the Freedom to Marry

The historic U.S. Supreme Court ruling on June 26, 2015 paved the way for the freedom to marry nationally. Marriage licenses are now being issued across the United States. Evan Wolfson, Founder and President of Freedom to Marry, the campaign that won equal marriage rights in the U.S., will discuss his decades-long, hard-fought fight for the freedom to marry and the lessons for the work ahead.

Panel Discussion:
Marijana Grandits, Bruno Kreisky Human Rights Award winner 2015; University of Vienna
Helmut Graupner, President of Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), Austria’s LGBT-rights-organization; spokesperson of the citizens' initiative Ehe Gleich!
Evan Wolfson, Founder and President of Freedom to Marry
Moderated by Robert Greenan, U.S. Embassy Vienna

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Court Approves Prosecution for Safer Sex

  30 September 2015

Safer Sex criminalisation Austria Graupner RKL

Rechtskomitee LAMBDA urges Minister of Justice to decriminalise safer sex

The Vienna Appeals Court recently delivered a judgment approving the prosecution of Hiv-positive persons for abiding to the state propagated safer sex rules. Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL) calls for immediate statutory clarification that obeying state sponsored rules constitutes no criminal offence. It said being upset that this matter of course has to be called for.

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IUS AMANDI issue 2/2015 released

09 July 2015

 IA Cover 1502 2

Bürgerinitiative Ehe Gleich!
ÖVP hält an Diskriminierung fest

Standesamtsverbot: EGMR leitet Verfahren gegen Österreich ein


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 2/2015 | JUS AMANDI Archiv


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