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European Human Rights Court Opens Proceedings on Austrian Sexual Apartheid

  12 June 2015

Human Rights Court Austria RKL civil regsitrysexual apartheid segregation

Conservatives are discriminating and wasting tax money

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has opened proceedings on the exclusion of same-sex couples from the civil registry offices where civil marriages are performed (Dietz & Suttasom v Austria). Over 99% of applications can’t make it to this stage. Austria has until 23 September 2015 to give reasons for relegating same-sex couples to the regional administrative offices. Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), Austria’s LGBT civil rights organisation, calls on the Conservative Party to end discrimination and the waste of tax money.

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JUS AMANDI Issue 1/2015 published

2 April 2015

 Jus Amandi 01/2015

ÖVP diskutiert das Ende des Eheverbots
ÖVP riskiert die Ehe light für Heterosexuelle

Justizminister sperrt sich gegen Amnestie
Verwirrung im Team Stronach


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 1/2015 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

European Human Rights Court Opens Proceedings on Heterosexual Couples´ Exclusion from Registered Partnership

  27 March 2015

Ratzenböck Seydl ECHR RKL

By their opposition to marriage equality conservatives risk marriage light for heterosexuals

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has opened proceedings on the exclusion of opposite-gender couples (Ratzenböck & Seydl v Austria). Over 99% of applications can’t make it to this stage. Austria has until 25 June to give reasons for offering registered partnership solely to same-gender couples. 2013 the Court found exclusion of same-gender couples from registered partnership in Greece in violation of the European Convention of Human Rights (Vallianatos v Greece, Grand Chamber). Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), Austria’s LGBT civil rights organisation, reminds the Conservative Party that they, with continued opposition ot marriage equality, risk marriage light for heterosexuals.

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Austrian Contitutional Court Struck Down Adoption Ban


box vfgh4 Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL): „Now it’s time for marriage-equality“

As part of the current litigation offensive by Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), Austria´s LGBT-rights organisation, the Austrian Constitutional Court strikes down Austria´s ban on joint adoption by same-sex couples. RKL is calling now for an immediate lift of the marriage-ban which has lost any basis

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JUS AMANDI Issue 4/2014 published


Trotz EGMR-Urteil: Keine Löschung homophober Urteile aus Strafregister
EP: Rosa Winkel des Namensrechts wird Fall für Straßburg


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 4/2014 | JUS AMANDI Archiv


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