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Registered Partnership: Pink Triangle of Austria´s Law of Names Goes to Strasbourg

  13.11.2014 | Second Name vs Family Name

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The Austrian Supreme Administrative Court just has decided not (!) to end the labelling of same-gender couples by a special category of names. Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), Austria´s LGBT-rights organization, now takes the case to the European Court of Human Rights.

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Austria Ignores Strasbourg-Judgment

  09.11.2014 | Victims of Homophobic Criminal Laws

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Still 211 victims on criminal records
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has convicted Austria last year for continuously keeping criminal records of persons convicted under former homophobic criminal offences. Nevertheless the Austrian Supreme Court refuses to bring about the deletion of these criminal records. And Austrian politics remains equally inactive. Rechtskomitee LAMBDA, Austria´s LGBT-rights organisation is outraged.

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JUS AMANDI Issue 3/2014 published


RKL-Klagsoffensive: Verfassungsgerichtshof prüft Adoptionsverbot
RKL trauert um Kuratoriumsmitglied Mag.a Barbara Prammer

Ehe und Adoption: Kommt die freie Abstimmung?
Lilian Hofmeister von UN-GV gewählt

JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 3/2014 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

U.S.-Embassy: Advancing the Rights of LGBT-Persons in Austria & EU


RKL-president Dr. Helmut Graupner was one of the three panelists (MEP Lunacek was prevented from attending) invited to a discussion organised by the Vienna U.S.-embassy on LGBT-rights (24 June 2014). He presented the historical and contemporary legal position of LGBTs in Austria and Europe and discussed these issues with the other panelists and the audience. The video recordings of the event will be available soon on the embassy´s website


UN-General Assembly Elects RKL-Honorary-Board-Member Lilian Hofmeister


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We are cordially congratulating Dr. Lilian Hofmeister, judge at the Austrian Constitutional Court and member of RKL´s honorary board. On 26 June the UN General Assembly has elected her as a member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) (the first Austrian in this function). We are wishing her every success in her work in this important institution.


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