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IUS AMANDI issue 2/2020 released

28 June 2020

 IA Cover 2 2020

Conservative openly lesbian and gay MPs: Party Interets Supersede Protection from Discrimination
Third Gender: Criminal Complaint Against Minister of Interior for Misuse of Office
UN Condemn Conversion Therapies as Torture


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 2/2020 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

Thank you, Greens: For Nothing!

20 January 2020


Kurz KoglerPfeil G4Conservative-Green Government Programme  

It will remain legal in Austria, solely on the basis of sexual orientation, to throw persons out of a taxi, to refuse them hotel- or guest-house rooms and rented apartments and to harass them in general schools. In the 21st century´s third decade and despite marriage equality. The conservative-green coalition deal not just lacks a ban of discrimination outside the work-place.

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IUS AMANDI issue 4/2019 released

13 December 2019

 Cover 1904 gedreht

 Third Gender: Ministry of Interior Disobeys the Courts 
 International Conference in Taipei: Beyond 748 - Same Sex Marriage and Family 
 Sacked Hiv-Positive Man: Court rebuffs State of Tyrols Allegation of Judges Bias
 Klagenfurt: Prosecution Despite Undetectable Virus Load


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 4/2019 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

IUS AMANDI issue 3/2019 released

29 September 2019

 Cover 1903 gedrecht

 Hiv-Positive Employee Fired: Court Orders State of Tyrol Once Again to Pay Compensation 
 Vienna: Courts Awards Citizenship to Austrian Woman´s Children, which Government Refused Them  
 Federal Parliament: FPÖ Tabled Bill to Reintroduce the Marriage Ban 


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 3/2019 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

IUS AMANDI issue 2/2019 released

17 July 2019

 Cover 1902 gedreht

 Historic: Austria Issued First Third Gender Documents  
 Success I: Marriage Ban for Binational Couples Lifted
 Success II: Parliament Calls for Statutory Ban of Conversion Therapies 


JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 2/2019 | JUS AMANDI Archiv


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