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IUS AMANDI issue 3/2018 released

1 October 2018

 Cover 1803 gedreht

 Against the Constitutional Court:
    Will Government Re-introduce the Marriage Ban?  

 Third Gender: Minister of Interior Turns to Supreme Adminsitrative Court

JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 3/2018 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

IUS AMANDI issue 2/2018 released

19 July 2018

 Cover 18 2

 Austria first country in Europe recognizing third gender as a human right

 CJEU 1: EU-member states must recognize same-gender marriages

 CJEU 2: divorce-requirement inadmissisible for pension rights

JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 2/2018 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

Austrian Constitutional orders Immediate Third Gender Recognition

29 June 2018

Intersex FlaggePfeil G4Also sex-"normalising" surgery on children held inadmissible

By a judgment of 15 June 2018, delivered today, the Austrian Constitutional Court has ordered, with immediate effect, that sex entries in the civil registries and in identity documents have to reflect individual self-determined gender identity (G 77/2018). An intersex person, being neither male nor female, had asked the civil status office to correct the entry in the birth register from male to "inter", "other", "X" or a similar designation, or to delete the sex-entry as a whole. After the civil status office had refused and the Administrative Court confirmed the Constitutional Court now has found in favor of the intersex person. Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), Austria´s LGBTI-civil rights organisation, calls the case ground-breaking for the rights of intersex persons in Austria and world-wide making Austria the first country in Europe and the third world-wide recognizing third gender as a human right.

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IUS AMANDI issue 1/2018 released

5 April 2018

 Cover 1801 gedreht png

 Intersex: Constitutional Court paves the way for third gender

 Marriage equality: Citizens initiative succesfully concluded

JUS AMANDI Ausgabe 1/2018 | JUS AMANDI Archiv

Austrian Constitutional Court Paves the Way for Third Gender

19 March 2018

Pic AlexJürgen NewsPfeil G4Also sex-"normalising" surgery on children held inadmissible

By a decision of 14 March 2018, delivered today, the Austrian Constitutional Court opened proceedings for the repeal of state registration of sex (E 2918/2016). An intersex person, being neither male nor female, had asked the civil status office to correct the entry in the birth register from male to "inter", "other", "X" or a similar designation, or to delete the sex-entry as a whole. After the civil status office had refused and the Administrative Court confirmed the Constitutional Court now preliminarily has found in favor of the intersex person. Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), Austria´s LGBTI-civil rights organisation, calls the case ground-breaking for the rights of intersex persons.

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